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       photo: ta ya cable participated in the 2018 global copper industry development trends forum. photo shows the company’s manager chen, jun-hong sharing the development of the anti-surge enameled wire, low-k dielectric enameled wire, and thermal-dissipation enameled wire. (photo provided by ta ya)

reported by ye, zun-che at tainan
       manager chen, jun-hong of the r&d department of ta ya electric wire & cable magnet wire business group attended the 2018 global copper industry development trends forum held at taipei university of technology on the 26th. he expressed that in response to the impending age of electric devices, the company has developed many enameled wires over the recent years. the company fulfills the responsibilities of a corporate citizen in terms of energy conservation and anti-global warming.
       the international copper association (ica) held the 2018 global copper industry development trends forum with the theme of “copper core production and sales, united innovation” at taipei university of technology on the 26th. the forum encompassed the entire copper industrial chain, from supply and demand, different applications, to recycling and reuse. the forum attracted the participation of hundreds of companies including copper company codelco, mining giant anglo american, commodity dealer glencore, german copper company kme, british commodity institute, metal center, formosa association of resource recycling, minchali, ta ya, and nan ya.
       manager chen, jun-hong of ta ya electric wire & cable gave lectures on the company’s applications and new developments of enameled wires.
       chen, jun-hong pointed out that energy conservation awareness allowed the rise of inverter appliances. ta ya followed the industry demands and applied nano technology to the insulating paint of the enameled wires. it successfully extended the anti-inverter surge lifespan of enameled wires and solved the durability issue of traditional enameled wires in inverter appliances. the anti-surge enameled wires was later applied on even more demanding electric car motors. today, the new generation of anti-surge enameled wires has finished development and will soon be available on the market. its long lifespan is greatly increased from the first generation products.
       chen, jun-hong stated that the enameled wire paint’s thermal conductivity plays a major role on the performance of the motors. the new enameled wires can increase thermal conductivity, lower motor temperature, maintain adhesion and pliability, and resist softening temperature. in addition, the low dielectric enameled wires can resist up to 240℃. its physical, chemical, and electrical characteristics can maintain at optimal states under harsh conditions, allowing it to be used in fire-fighting and aerospace equipments.
       the international copper association expressed that copper is a key industrial material. the heavy electricity, transportation, electronic, mechanical, hardware industries, and even the rising renewable energy industry are all connected to copper. the forum invited experts from different domains to discuss the industry and product development trends to assist taiwanese companies have breakthroughs and growth in the international competition.
